Results for 'Marcos Arjona Herraiz'

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  1.  8
    Lacasta Zabalza, José Ignacio. George Orwell. Vida y Filosofía Política. PUZ, Zaragoza, 2022, 186 pp. [REVIEW]Marcos Arjona Herraiz - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
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    Cables submarinos SMART en América Latina: el proyecto antártico de Chile.Noelia Arjona Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    La iniciativa de cables submarinos SMART es un área de investigación científica en desarrollo cuyo objetivo es integrar y utilizar una red de sensores dentro de un sistema de cable submarino para recoger datos científicos que permitan una mejor comprensión, planificación y notificaciones relacionadas con el cambio climático, la subida del nivel del mar, el calentamiento de los océanos, los tsunamis y los terremotos. Chile, a través de su Proyecto de cable Humboldt, pretende mejorar la red de comunicación para los (...)
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    Interpretation and conversation.Marcos Barbosa Pinto - 2003 - Legal Theory 9 (2):157-179.
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    Unapologetically to Introduce New Goals and Methods.Sylvia Marcos - 2009 - CLR James Journal 15 (1):289-296.
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    Comentário a “A ciência da política de David Hume”.Marcos Balieiro - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):429-432.
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    The Importance of Protesters’ Morals: Moral Obligation as a Key Variable to Understand Collective Action.José-Manuel Sabucedo, Marcos Dono, Mónica Alzate & Gloria Seoane - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  7. Florencio. Los manuscritos de Alfonso de Madrigal conservados en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca.Marcos Rodríguez - 1957 - Salmanticensis 4:1.
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    Humanismo y cultura moderna en Nietzsche.Manuel Suances Marcos - 1994 - Endoxa 1 (3):249.
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    In Memoriam Julio C. Armero San José.Anselmo Manuel Suances Marcos - 2019 - Endoxa 44:13.
    Obituario por la pérdida de un compañero.
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    Reseña de El americanismo germano en la antropología Argentina de fines del siglo XIX al XX de Lena Dávila y Patricia Arenas (.Marcos Buccellatto - 2021 - Corpus.
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    He Jiankui´s gene‐editing experiment and the non‐identity problem.Marcos Alonso & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):563-573.
    Genetic engineering has been a topic of discussion for over 50 years, but it is only recently that gene editing has become a reality. CRISPR biotechnologies have made gene editing much safer, precise and feasible. We have witnessed the first cases of human germline genetic modification resulting in live births, conducted by He Jiankui. In this paper, we will analyse He Jiankui’s case in relation to one of the most difficult problems in procreative ethics (or the ethics of future generations): (...)
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    Moral standards in managerial decisions: In search of a comprehensive theoretical framework.Marcos Luís Procópio - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (2):261-274.
    Although ethical decision‐making theory has evolved over the years, within the field of management, research still revolves around James Rest’s (1986) four‐step framework, dominated by a positivist epistemology and a quantitative methodology. Given that currently there is a call for a theoretical, epistemological, and methodological renovation for the enlargement and enrichment of knowledge about how decisions are morally made in organizations, this paper has a double aim. First, by showing the models’ main flaws and limitations, it critically assesses the prominent (...)
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    A arte de crer na contemporaneidade: possibilidades e limites do cristianismo segundo Gianni Vattimo. 2012.Marcos Paulo de Oliveira Bueno - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):417-418.
    DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADO BUENO, Marcos Paulo de Oliveira. A arte de crer na contemporaneidade : possibilidades e limites do cristianismo segundo Gianni Vattimo. 2012. 127 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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    Curso de Geografia de Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Marcos Saiande Casado & Marcos Antonio de Carvalho Lopes - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):360-371.
    Curso de Geografia de Jean-Jacques Rousseau integra o X volume da edição de OEuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Édition thématique du Tricentenaire, Slatkine/Honoré Champion (2012), subintitulado Escritos Científicos. Para esta tradução, além do texto consagrado na edição do tricentenário, também utilizamos a edição norte-americana dos textos de Rousseau organizada por Christopher Kelly, intitulada Autobiographical, scientific, religious, moral, and literary writings (2007). Preservamos, integralmente, as indispensáveis notas ao texto em língua francesa, que são de autoria de Christophe Van Staen.
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    Literatura e formação moral em Jane Austen e David Hume.Marcos Ribeiro Balieiro - 2014 - Discurso 44:145-160.
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    Aspectos do instrumentalismo pragmatista na teoria do conhecimento de John Dewey.Marcos Antônio Lorieri - 2000 - Cognitio 1:46-57.
    Resumo: O alvo da teoria do conhecimento de dewey é a ação humana "guiada" pela inteligência, a "conduta inteligente". Mas, a inteligência não é uma estrutura que se sobrepõe aos seres humanos: ela é uma função vital natural que tem como papel específico produzir, na ação, indicações de suas conseqüências possíveis.: Dewey's epistemology target is the human behavior "guided" by intelligence: an intelligence conduct. But, not intelligence as structure which rises upon human beings: it is a natural vital function charged (...)
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    Virtual Reality as a Vehicle to Empower Motor-Cognitive Neurorehabilitation.Daniel Perez-Marcos, Mélanie Bieler-Aeschlimann & Andrea Serino - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Old wine in new bottles? What is new with AI for mental health diagnosis?Marcos Paulo de Lucca Silveira - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):600-601.
    Ugar and Malele 1 critique the use of ‘generic’ technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for mental health diagnoses, particularly in sub-Saharan African countries. They highlight how these AI medical tools often overlook traditional perspectives and local contexts. The article has the merit of working on ethical issues regarding the particularities and risks of using AI and ML for health diagnosis in the Global South, an urgent and neglected topic. According to the authors, the use of these (...)
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  19. Resenha ao tractatus logico-philosophicus.Marcos Silva - 2012 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 17 (2):263-288.
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    ARNAU, Juan: La invención de la libertad, Atalanta, Girona, 2016, 283p.Juan Marcos Bonet Safont - 2017 - Agora 36 (1).
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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning based algorithm detection of malware-infected nodes in IoT networks.Marcos Severt, Roberto Casado-Vara, Ángel Martín del Rey, Héctor Quintián & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing technology that connects everyday devices to the Internet, enabling wireless, low-consumption and low-cost communication and data exchange. IoT has revolutionized the way devices interact with each other and the internet. The more devices become connected, the greater the risk of security breaches. There is currently a need for new approaches to algorithms that can detect malware regardless of the size of the network and that can adapt to dynamic changes in the network. (...)
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  22. What Role Should Equipoise Play in Experimental Development Economics?Marcos Picchio - forthcoming - Economics and Philosophy.
    Unlike with randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in clinical research, little has been said about the ethical principles that should regulate the use of RCTs in experimental development economics. One well-known principle in clinical research ethics is the principle of clinical equipoise. Some recent commentators suggest that an analogue of clinical equipoise should play a role in experimental development economics. In this article, I first highlight some difficulties with importing the concept to experimental development economics. I then argue that MacKay’s (2018, (...)
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    Simple-like independence relations in abstract elementary classes.Rami Grossberg & Marcos Mazari-Armida - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (7):102971.
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    Nearly every normal modal logic is paranormal.Joao Marcos - 2005 - Logique Et Analyse 48 (189-192):279-300.
    An overcomplete logic is a logic that ‘ceases to make the difference’: According to such a logic, all inferences hold independently of the nature of the statements involved. A negation-inconsistent logic is a logic having at least one model that satisfies both some statement and its negation. A negation-incomplete logic has at least one model according to which neither some statement nor its negation are satisfied. Paraconsistent logics are negation-inconsistent yet non-overcomplete; paracomplete logics are negation-incomplete yet non-overcomplete. A paranormal logic (...)
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    Aesthetic communities, PeriPherAl identities And sociAl movements.Marcos Giadas - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):130-147.
    After centuries of symbolic and political oppression, Galicia has been recognized by the Spanish constitution as a historic nationality. However, despite a certain degree of political autonomy, Galician identity is threatened by increasing homogenization in the economic, social, cultural and linguistic fields. In the early 1990s the aesthetic movement Bravú constructed an aesthetic community, sustained by an ideological project, and with the aim to, on the one hand, prevent Galician culture from becoming folklore stuck in a time warp and, on (...)
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    Negative modalities, consistency and determinedness.Adriano Dodó & João Marcos - 2014 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 300:21-45.
    We study a modal language for negative operators—an intuitionistic-like negation and its paraconsistent dual—added to (bounded) distributive lattices. For each non-classical negation an extra operator is hereby adjoined in order to allow for standard logical inferences to be opportunely restored. We present abstract characterizations and exhibit the main properties of each kind of negative modality, as well as of the associated connectives that express consistency and determinedness at the object-language level. Appropriate sequent-style proof systems and adequate kripke semantics are also (...)
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    Ética e Autonomia.Marcos Fábio A. Nicolau - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 25:153-171.
    Em diálogo com Paulo Freire, o artigo enfatiza a condição sine qua non de existir ética para haver docência, afirmando ainda que a ética pode ser ensinada, mas não com base apenas em conceitos, pois somente através da interação e do reconhecer da alteridade pode o professor assumir uma atitude ética, sendo autônomo e gerando autonomia.
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    Resenha: arte e imanência: um bom encontro entre Espinosa e Vermeer.Marcos Ferreira de Paula - 2012 - Cadernos Espinosanos 26:183.
    Resenha do livro Espinosa e Vermeer: imanência na filosofia e na pintura, de Sara Hornäk, publicado no Brasil, em 2010, pela editora Paulus.
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    How Colours Matter to Philosophy.Marcos Silva (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This edited volume explores the different and seminal ways colours matter to philosophy. Each chapter provides an insightful analysis of one or more cases in which colours raise philosophical problems in different areas and periods of philosophy. This historically informed discussion examines both logical and linguistic aspects, covering such areas as the mind, aesthetics and the foundations of mathematics. The international contributors look at traditional epistemological and metaphysical issues on the subjectivity and objectivity of colours. In addition, they also assess (...)
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    The Nachlass Self-contained: The Textual Genesis of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations by Nuno Venturinha.Marcos Silva - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4 (1):241-245.
    Review of Venturinha, Nuno : The Textual Genesis of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Routledge: New York, 2013.
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    Levinas e a Educação.Marcos Alexandre Alves & Gomercindo Ghiggi - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 15:95-111.
    Objetivamos, neste texto, estabelecer uma aproximação entre ética e educação, a partir do pensamento de Levinas. Apresentaremos uma (re) avaliação crítica da pedagogia da Totalidade, fundada no saber técnico-instrumental, ensinada pela maestria do Mesmo. Demonstraremos que Levinas não é só um crítico da filosofia e pedagogia tradicional, mas que sua reflexão abre vias para se pensar os desafios da educação contemporânea, recolocando a urgência do resgate de um outro-modo-de-ser pedagógico, fundamentalmente, Ético. Defenderemos que a grande contribuição de Levinas para a (...)
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    The Non-identity Problem and «Historical Victims».Marcos Alonso & Rodrigo Escribano - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):369-384.
    Recent decades have seen a considerable and progressive increase in historical claims. Within the context of colonialism criticism, but also outside this sphere, numerous politicians, collectives and intellectuals have emerged to denounce certain acts of the past, demanding recognition and repentance that would compensate for these past affronts. In this article we will analyze one of these cases: the demand for an apology from Spain and the Vatican by the President of Mexico, López Obrador. Taking as a guide the debate (...)
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    Interpretação e compreensão: da hermenêutica metodológica à experiência hermenêutica como crítica e fundamento do saber filosófico.Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2011 - Princípios 18 (30):181-198.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O presente artigo analisa a passagem da hermenêutica metodológica à experiência hermenêutica como crítica e fundamento do saber filosófico. Inicialmente, apresenta a crítica da hermenêutica à absolutizaçáo da lógica matemática como estrutura da pesquisa e produçáo de sentido na filosofia. A lógica matemática sedimenta a dinâmica da vida do homem por náo estar aberta às contingências da existência, porém a vida do homem náo se compreende sob a forma da lógica matemática. Posteriormente, demonstra (...)
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    Miguel de Unamuno:; ¿amor a la razón o razón de amor?. Lectura del sentimiento trágico de la vida.Luis Andrés Marcos - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42 (1):241-255.
    Suele entenderse la Filosofía como el desarrollo de problemas guiados por un método que el autor del texto propone, siendo este generalmente un método racional. Pero la propuesta que aquí se hace es que los textos capitales de Miguel de Unamuno se configuran como una estrategia, para que el lector se implique con el autor en problemas y métodos que deben comprenderse en claves distintas a los usuales. Los textos de Unamuno entienden la tarea del lector como condición de posibilidad (...)
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  35. La expansión de medios de comunicación digitales en EEUU.Marcos Baer - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 39:91-93.
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    Natureza E degradação moral em Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Marcos Ribeiro Balieiro - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:56-63.
    The pessimistic tone employed by Rousseau in his Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, as well as in his Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, draws the attention of the most careless reader. Indeed, when we observe the tone he adopts in these texts, it is no wonder that he dedicated a substantial part of his work to present what could be seen as a handful of attempts to solve the problems he first addressed in the texts presented to the (...)
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    Eutanasia y autonomía: conceptos, argumentos, reflexiones.Marcos Guillermo Breuer - 2019 - Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina: Eduvim, Universidad Nacional de Villa María.
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    Patricio Brickle (editor), Η ανταπόδοση της φιλοσοφίας, Atenas: Mandragoras, 2019. ISBN 978-960-592-094-4, 108 págs.Marcos G. Breuer - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 77:266-268.
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  39. Formal technique and epithalamial setting in the song of the Parcae-(Catullus 64.305-22, 328-36, 372-80).Marcos RuizSanchez - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):75-88.
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    Ex 5,22-6,1: A oração de Moisés e a resposta divina.Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):71-83.
    Ex 5,22-6.1 presents Moses appealing to the Lord and God's answer to the prophet. Moses' prayer is configured as a cry of despair stemming from a bewilderment of his vocation as a promoter of liberty, subdued by human conditions. The prophet of failure is paradoxical, since it reveals both as a personal and divine failure. For these reasons, Moses has faith put to the test. His reaction shown by a fiery prayer and full of fervor. God responds with the renewal (...)
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    Formal Technique and Epithalamial Setting in the Song of the Parcae (Catullus 64.305-22, 328-36, 372-80).Marcos Ruiz Sanchez - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):75-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Formal Technique and Epithalamial Setting in the Song of the Parcae (Catullus 64.305–22, 328–36, 372–80)Marcos Ruiz SánchezThe present study aims to analyze the technique of verbal reminiscences and the structure of the frame of the song of the Parcae, one of the most important sections in poem 64 and the most controversial in meaning, together with the implications these verbal echoes have for the meaning of the text.Catullus’ (...)
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  42. Filosofia e forma da ação (Entrevista com Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz).Marcos Sattin - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade 1 (2).
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    Critique of Psychoanalytic Concepts and Theories.Marcos Rodrigues da Silva, Marina Pereira Figueiredo & Sarah Zuliani - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13:132-143.
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    Futuros sacerdotes do Senhor: a decisão vocacional entre seminaristas em Santa Catarina.Marcos Alfonso Spiess - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (42):654-656.
    A proposta do presente trabalho é analisar desde uma perspectiva antropológica a decisão vocacional entre seminaristas catarinenses. O trabalho de campo através da “objetivação participante” foi desenvolvido no Seminário Filosófico de Santa Catarina, e ampliado para ex-seminaristas, estagiários e padres. Analisando discursos e práticas foi possível perceber como que o despertar da vocação e as decisões implicadas na caminhada vocacional estão relacionados às condições históricas, econômicas e sociais. O primeiro capítulo resgata a história da implantação das dioceses e seminários no (...)
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    Two Forms of Exclusion Mean Two Different Negations.Marcos Silva - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (3):215-236.
    Here, the logical behaviour of negation in Wittgenstein's Tractatus is compared with Demos' account of denial. Even if we hold negation as a pure syntactical device, at least in some context, it brings a handful of complex semantic information – potentially an infinite amount. We advocate then the existence of at least two negations due to the existence of two different and non-reducible types of exclusion. The first negation is a Tractarian and classical one, based on the notion of contradiction, (...)
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  46. Logics of essence and accident.Joao Marcos - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (1):43-56.
    We say that things happen accidentally when they do indeed happen, but only by chance. In the opposite situation, an essential happening is inescapable, its inevitability being the sine qua non for its very occurrence. This paper will investigate modal logics on a language tailored to talk about essential and accidental statements. Completeness of some among the weakest and the strongest such systems is attained. The weak expressibility of the classical propositional language enriched with the non-normal modal operators of essence (...)
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  47. Working the digital: some thoughts from landscape archaeology.Marcos Llobera - 2014 - In Alison Wylie & Robert Chapman (eds.), Material Evidence. New York / London: Routledge.
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  48. Ciencia y religión en el siglo XXI: ¿diálogo o confrontación?Moisés Pérez Marcos - 2012 - Estudios Filosóficos 61 (176):139-144.
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    De la ética ambiental a la ecología humana. Un cambio necesario.Alfredo Marcos & Luca Valera - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (298 S. Esp):785-800.
    La ética ambiental nació como justa contestación a los excesos del antropocentrismo. Sin embargo, un énfasis obsesivo en lo ético y en lo ambiental, con el consiguiente olvido de lo antropológico, puede estar dañando la vida humana, la libertad de las personas y la vida en general. Abogamos aquí por la construcción de una ecología humana que vaya más allá y más al fondo que las éticas ambientales al uso. Defendemos que el humanismo es perfectamente compatible con el reconocimiento del (...)
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    El naturalismo cientificista como pseudorreligión y anti-teología natural.Moisés Pérez Marcos - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):73-90.
    Scientist naturalism as pseudo religion and anti-natural theology After exposing the basic ideas of the naturalistic worldview, an attempt is made to show that naturalism is an interpretation of science that has an inescapable "mythological" dimension, in the sense that Midgley gives to this expression. This does not discredit it on principle but means that we cannot accept it uncritically by the mere fact that it appeals to the natural sciences to justify its validity. It is then argued that the (...)
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